Entries by Therapeutic Spiral International


The Sage Handbook of Counselling and Psychotherapy (4th edition)

At over 600 pages and with more than 100 contributions, this Fourth Edition brings together the essentials of counselling and psychotherapy theory, research, skills and practice. Including new content on assessment, theory, applications and settings, and with new chapter overviews and summaries, this continues to be the most comprehensive and accessible guide to the field […]


TSM Six Safety Action Structures American Society for Psychodrama, Sociometry and Group Psychotherapy

The TSM Six Safety Action Structures have been developed and used to concretize spontaneity and provide containment and group cohesion for all Therapeutic Spiral Model (TSM) groups for several decades now (Hudgins & Toscani, 2013).  The original paper on these safety structures (Cox, 2001) is available on my website at www.drkatehudgins.com.  This handout is an […]