Transforming the Trauma Triangle- San Rafael

The Therapeutic Spiral Model’s (TSM) “Trauma Triangle” is a unique configuration that clarifies the destructive cycle of victim, perpetrator, and abandoning authority. In distinction to Karpman’s Triangle, this last role was created by TSM to explain the subtle, yet damaging, presence of someone who was absent—not there to rescue—i.e., there was no appropriate authority.
The Trauma Triangle represents a closed circuit of energy embedded in the personality structure of those who have survived cruelty or trauma, repeating itself as life-long patterns of abuse and neglect. This training provides tools that empower transformation of self-neglect to self-care and that instill healthy problem-solving.
Participants gain a deeper understanding of the internal personality and neurobiological structure of PTSD; learn to integrate TSM’s Prescriptive Roles & Safety Structures into clinical practice, and experience the power and depth of a TSM group process that is used across cultures.
This workshop offers training hours for Psychodrama and can be a stand-alone or foundation course for TSI’s International Certification Program in Trauma Therapy.
Kate Hudgins, PhD, TEP, i s an internationally recognized expert on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. She developed the research-supported Therapeutic Spiral Model™ (TSM) to treat PTSD,
demonstrating that experiential approaches create immediate change and new learning for those suffering various stages of breakdown, subsequent to overwhelming traumatic events. Kate has taught and worked internationally for over 20 years and is a published author and recipient of numerous awards.
Sylvia Israel, LMFT, RDT/BCT, TEP, licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Board Certified Trainer, Educator and Practitioner of Psychodrama and Registered Drama Therapist/Board Certified Trainer, teaches at CIIS and Kansas State University. She is a Certified Team Leader in the Therapeutic Spiral Model and has taught PTSD and Action Methods at various graduate programs. Sylvia maintains a private practice in Marin and San Francisco working with individuals, couples, and groups.
Event Flyer: transformingtriangle_sanrafeal119v2