Transforming the Trauma Triangle

The Therapeutic Spiral Model’s (TSM) “Trauma Triangle” is a unique configuration that clarifes the destructive cycle of victim, perpetrator, and abandoning authority. Indistinction to Karpman’s Triangle, this last role was created by TSM to explain the sub- tle, yet damaging, presence of someone who was absent—not there to rescue—i.e., there was no appropriate authority.
The Trauma Triangle represents a closed circuit of energy embedded in the personal- ity structure of those who have survived cruelty or trauma, repeating itself as life-long patterns of abuse and neglect. This training provides tools that empower transformation of self-neglect to self-care and that instill healthy problem-solving.
Participants gain a deeper understanding of the internal personality and neurobiological structure of PTSD; learn to integrate TSM’s Prescriptive Roles & Safety Structures into clinical practice, and experience the power and depth of a TSM group process that is used across cultures.
This workshop o ers training hours for Psychodrama and can be a stand-alone or foun-dation course for TSI’s International Certi cation Program in Trauma Therapy.
members of the Psychodrama Center – 200 € psychotherapists and educators of psychotherapy – 250 € others – 300 €
After 01.02.2019.
members of the Psychodrama Center – 250 € sychotherapists and educators of psychotherapy – 300 € others – 350 €