Post-Traumatic Growth: Bringing it All HomeCharlottesville, VA
1077 Elliot Avenue
Recover!Charlottesville has hosted FREE community workshops and Region X trainings for the past 6 months to help promote post-traumatic growth following the violence of August 11-12, 2017.
We’ve touched personal stories of fear, oppression, anger and disconnectedness. And shared moments of coming together to share strengths. And reached across differences of race, gender, age and ideology. All this via playful, action-oriented, mutually-respectful exercises.
Join Dr Kate Hudgins and Andrea Hummel and some of the original Recover!Charlottesville team to once again use the Therapeutic Spiral Model to both celebrate our gains and bring hope to our losses.
This is a community event that brings together anyone and everyone in the Charlottesville area. We’re thankful for the efforts of many people who’ve created workshops and seminars, hosted volunteer efforts, and helped cross the bridges of pain that we saw in August — and transform them into tools of change.
Even if you haven’t come to one of our events before, we invite you to come together as a community and share all you’ve learned.
Free, but please RSVP.