Entries by Therapeutic Spiral International

TSM Certification Standards Revisions

I am delighted to announce that Kate and I have finally completed the revisions to the TSM Certification Standards and Procedures. Most of the changes are more structural than actual added requirements, however there are a few additions. Now that the Directorship of TSI is being shared, part of my role as Director of Training […]

Andrea C Hummel: “Differences are conversations waiting to happen; Talk to the “other side,” because it’s harder to hate up-close”

TSM psychodrama is used in many varied contexts and situations. This article is about a TSM-psychodrama theory certified practitioner and her applications in communities.   Differences are conversations waiting to happen. Talk to the “other side,” because it’s harder to hate up-close, as Michelle Obama says. Here’s two challenges I’d love to see newscasters, YouTubers, […]


Experiential Addiction Treatment: Creating Positive Connection through Sociometry and Therapeutic Spiral Model Safety Structures

Journal of Addiction and Addictive Disorders Scott Giacomuccia*; Sharon Gerab; Darrell Briggsc; & Kim Bassd abcdMirmont Treatment Center, Lima, PA, USA *Contact Scott Giacomucci at Scott@SGiacomucci.com for any correspondence related to this article. aScott Giacomucci is Director of Experiential Trauma Services at Mirmont Treatment Center and founder of the Phoenix Center for Experiential Trauma Therapy […]

Building Resilience in Youth with Therapeutic Spiral Model™ (TSM) Psychodrama

By Mario Cossa, RDT/MT, TEP Norman Garmezy, Ph.D., a Developmental Psychologist from the University of Minnesota, is generally credited with the seminal research on resilience and attempts to define what are now called protective factors—those aspects and experiences in a person’s life that equip them with the ability to rise above adversity (Konnikova, 2016). Unfortunately, […]