EXPERIMENTING WITH CREATIVITY: A Brainstorming Group for Finding Online Ways to Use the TSM Concept of Projective Identification
Presented by: Ina Hogenboom, Registered Psychologist, Trainer, Educator & Practitioner in Psychodrama.
During this webinar we will discuss how TSM uses projective identification and how this possibly works in online groups. We will use our collective creativity to brainstorm about ways to handle and use projective identification in our online sessions. Ideas will be tested during the session.
The webinar is a series of 4 workshops of 2 hours each. It is aimed at those interested in working with the TSM concept of projective identification in a group setting; and who are willing to experiment.
Meetings will be on Mondays at 7 pm CET
Dates: 27 April, and 4, 11, & 18 May.
Minimum of 4 and maximum of 8 participants.
Cost: 100 Euro per person for the 4 workshops
Contact: ina@psychodramaq.nl