Tag Archive for: Certification standards

I am delighted to announce that Kate and I have finally completed the revisions to the TSM Certification Standards and Procedures. Most of the changes are more structural than actual added requirements, however there are a few additions. Now that the Directorship of TSI is being shared, part of my role as Director of Training will be to make sure the standards and procedures are uniformly implemented, and that all the cracks through which things sometimes fell in the past are sealed up.
Here is a basic overview of the revisions:
  •  In order to meet he needs of diverse students, we now offer three different levels of International Certification in Experiential Trauma Therapy using the Therapeutic Spiral Model.
  • Level I – Introduction to Theory (for those only interested in learning the basic principles of TSM.)
  • Level II – Advanced Theory and Practice (for those interested in advanced coursework and being certified in the TSM Action Trauma Team roles of Trained Auxiliary Ego (TAE), Assistant Leader (AL), and Team Leader.) Note: Students may begin the practice requirements for Level II while completing Level I course work.
  • Certification as a TSM Trainer
  • Requirements for maintaining certification have been added. Please see the Overview section linked below.
  • Each student is required to have an Individualized Training Plan outlining their proposed involvement for the coming year (September 2019 through August 2020).
  • Training Plans will be reviewed on a yearly basis and updated and/or revised as needed.
  • A Dropbox file for each trainee is being established to maintain accurate records of all Training plans, requirements completed, and submitted reaction papers. Note: Reaction papers have long been a requirement. It just has not been enforced. It will be now.
Certification standards are NOT retroactive, so whatever is already completed is finished. Those in process at a certain level will be transitioned to the new standards as simply and as fairly as possible. Those individuals currently in training will be receiving an e-mail with further details.
For quick access to the appropriate website pages, please click on the links below:
Please address questions to cossa@att.net
From my autonomous healing center to yours,
Mario Cossa – Director of Training
Therapeutic Spiral International