Kate Hudgins, Ph.D., TEP, as a guest on Trauma Therapist | 2.0, Managing in The Midst of The Current Outbreak. 

Kate continues from her previous episodes as we use the context of managing during the current pandemic as a backdrop for healing with experiential therapy, and specifically psychodrama. Experiential therapy, as you’ll learn in this interview, involves a certain immediacy from the people involved. It demands courage from both the client and therapist, and it has an incredible power to heal.

Click Here to view the interview.

Kate Hudgins, Ph.D., TEP, as  a guest on the Trauma Therapist 2.o podcast discussing the topic Courage is Fear that has said its Prayers, with Guy Macpherson.

Kate is all about experiential therapy, and specifically psychodrama. Experiential therapy, as you’ll learn in this interview, involves a certain immediacy from the people involved. It demands courage from both the client and therapist, and it has an incredible power to heal.

Kate is an inspirational leader and a stellar trainer known worldwide for her innovative model of safe and effective trauma treatment.

Click Here to listen to the Podcast.

By Anath Garber, PhD, TEP

Anath Garber is a friend and colleague whose expertise in psychotherapy and particularly the technique of psychodrama is very intriguing to me because I believe live theater can be religion and therapy and therapy as drama and healing may be the best invention since the wheel …

Listen to Part 1 Here

Listen to Part 2 Here

Dr. Kate Hudgins new interview titled “Spontaneity, Creativity & Working with Internal Roles” aired on the Trauma Therapist 2.0 podcast with Guy Macphereson.

Check out my new interview “The Trauma Therapeutic Spiral Model” with Guy Macpherson on the Trauma Therapist Podcast. Watch Here!


Dr. Kate Hudgins shares about how “Courage Is The Fear That Has Said Its Prayers”,  the start of TSM and teaches some Master Classes on Guy McPherson’s great program “The Trauma Therapist”. https://lnkd.in/eiawMrE


Sunday Morning Wake-up Call, host Sean McCord looks at how our community is healing one month after the events of August 12th. Our guests include Rebecca Kendall of the Community Mental Health Wellness Coalitionand Dr. Kate Hudgins who, along with her Community Action Healing Team, has created the Recover Charlottesville action.