TSM Material


Moreno, J. L. (1934). Who shall survive?: A new approach to the problem of human interrelations. Retrieved from https://reflexus.org/wp-content/uploads/whoshallsurvive.pdf

Moreno, J. L., Moreno, Z. T. (1969). Foundations of psychodrama (Vol. 3). Psychodrama. Beacon House.

Hudgins, M.K. & Preston, J.C. (1981). Psychodramatic expansion of the Johari window. Journal of Group Psychotherapy, Psychodrama, and Sociometry http://www.drkatehudgins.com/yahoo_site_admin1/assets/docs/Kates_vita_2016.114161626.docx 

Hudgins, M.K. and Kiesler, D.J. (1984). Instructional Manual for Doubling in Individual Psychotherapy. Richmond, Virginia: Virginia Commonwealth University.  

Hudgins, M.K. & Kiesler, D.J. (1985). Individual Experiential Psychotherapy: An Initial Validation Study of the Intervention Module of Psychodramatic Doubling. Unpublished Dissertation. Virginia Commonwealth University. 

Hudgins, M.K., and Kiesler, D.J. (1987). Individual experiential psychotherapy: An initial validation study of the intervention module of psychodramatic doubling. Psychotherapy, 24, 245-255. http://psycnet.apa.org/index.cfm?fa=buy.optionToBuy&id=1988-02002-001  

Hudgins, K., Sheridan, M. J. (1990). The three-child model of recovery.  

Forssmann-Falck, R.F. and Hudgins, M.K. (1992). “Therapist-Patient Transactions Early in Treatment with Borderline Patients. Clinical Review, 6, (1), 1-4. 

Moreno, J. L. (1993). Who shall survive? foundations of sociometry, group psychotherapy and Sociodrama. Journal of the American Medical Association. Retrieved from https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/article-abstract/289925

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Toscani, F. (1994). Wholeness of the action trauma team.

Baratka, C. (1995). Incorporating Principles of the Therapeutic Spiral Model When an Action Trauma Team is not Available.

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Hudgins, M.K., Drucker, K., & Metcalf, K.. (1998). Instructional Manual for the intervention module of Containing Double. Charlottesville, VA.: The Center for Experiential Learning. http://www.ibrarian.net/navon/paper/The__Containing_Double A_clinically_effective_.pdf?paperid=765781 

Toscani, F.,  Hudgins, M. K. (1998). The containing double. 

Hudgins, M. K. (1998). Defenses workshop handout.  

Hudgins, M.K., Drucker, K., & Metcalf, K. (2000).  The containing double:  A clinically  effective psychodrama intervention for PTSD.  The British Journal of Psychodrama and Sociodrama, 15, 1, 58-77. http://drkatehudgins.com/yahoo_site_admin1/assets/docs/Containing_DoubleBPA_Article.173173224.pdf  

Hudgins, K., Kellermann, P. F. (2000). Psychodrama with trauma survivors: Acting out your pain – researchgate. Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/287571213_Psychodrama_with_Trauma_Survivors_Acting_out_your_pain Psychodrama with trauma survivors: Acting out your pain. 229–254

Burden, K., & Ciotola, L. (n.d.). “The body double: An advanced clinical action intervention module in the therapeutic spiral model to treat trauma”. Healing Bridges. Retrieved from https://healing-bridges.com/2017/07/06/the-body-double/ 

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Hudgins, M.K. (2002). Experiential treatment for PTSD. Springer Publishing Company. Retrieved fromhttps://www.springerpub.com/experiential-treatment-for-ptsd-9780826149428.html

McVea, C. and Gow, K. (2006).  Healing a mother’s emotional pain:  Recall of a therapeutic spiral model session.  Journal of Psychodrama, Group Psychotherapy and Sociometry, 59, 1, 3-2http://eprints.qut.edu.au/21966/

Moreno, Z. T., Horvatin, T. , Schreiber, E. (2006). The function of “Tele” in human relations. . Perlego. Retrieved from https://www.perlego.com/book/1615952/the-quintessential-zerka-writings-by-zerka-toeman-moreno-on-psychodrama-sociometry-and-group-psychotherapy-pdf The quintessential Zerka: Writings by Zerka Toeman Moreno on psychodrama, sociometry and group psychotherapy (First issued in paperback, pp. 289–301).

Hudgins, M.K. (2007b).Clinical Foundations of the Therapeutic Spiral Model: Theoretical Orientations and Principles of Change.(eds)In C. Baim, J. Burmeister & M. Maciel (Eds.)Psychodrama: Advances in Theory and Practice.(pp. 175-188) London: Routledge.https://www.amazon.com/Psychodrama-Advances-Practice-Advancing-Therapy/dp/

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Hudgins, M. K., Hug, E., Culbertson, R. (2009). Action against trauma: A trainer’s manual.https://www.lulu.com/en/gb/shop/hudgins-culbertson-and-hug-/action-against-trauma-a-trainers-manual/ebook/product-1wzdyp85.html?page=1&pageSize=4 

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Durost, S.W. (2011). Old is an attitude – age is a concept: A qualitative study on aging and ageism with guidelines for expressive therapies literature (dissertation).  

Carnabucci, K. & Ciotola, L. (2013). Healing Eating Disorders with Psychodrama and Other Action Methods: Beyond the Silence and the Fury. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers https://www.amazon.com/Healing-Eating-Disorders-Psychodrama-Methods/dp/1849059349

Greenberg, L. S. (2013).  Anchoring the therapeutic spiral model into research on experiential psychotherapies.In K. Hudgins &  F. Toscani (Eds.), Healing world trauma with the therapeutic spiral model. (pp. 132-148) London:  Jessica Kingsley Publishers. https://www.amazon.com/Healing-World-Trauma-Therapeutic-Spiral/dp/1849059233/ref=sr_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1495655422&sr=1-3&keywords=healing+world+trauma

Hudgins, K.(2013). The similarities and differences between classical psychodrama and the therapeutic spiral model. In Toscani, F. (Ed.), Healing world trauma with the therapeutic spiral model: Psychodramatic stories from the frontlines (pp. 49–74). essay. http://www. 123library.org/book_details/?id=58841 https://books.google.com.eg/books?id=sjZiLC5kKDkC&pg=PA354&lpg=PA354&dq=Healing+World+Trauma+with+the+Therapeutic+Spiral+Model+online+free&source=bl&ots=40oRfOVvb5&sig=ACfU3U2a4ZpqFJ3JFdyxScQFEgpTHkk9Xg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwijw7WxoLD4AhVEi_0HHSZECGUQ6AF6BAgTEAM#v=onepage&q=Healing%20World%20Trauma%20with%20the%20Therapeutic%20Spiral%20Model%20online%20free&f=false

Hug, E. (2013). A Neuroscience perspective on trauma and action methods. In K. Hudgins, & F. Toscani (Eds.),Healing world trauma with the therapeutic spiral model. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. https://www.amazon.com/Healing-World-Trauma-Therapeutic-Spiral/dp/1849059233

Lai, N.W., (2013). A workshop using the therapeutic spiral model and art therapy with mothers and children affected by domestic abuse in Taiwan In K. Hudgins, & F. Toscani, Healing world trauma with the therapeutic spiral model, (241-265).  London: Jessica Kingsley. https://www.amazon.com/Healing-World-Trauma-Therapeutic-Spiral/dp/1849059233/ref=sr_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1495548889&sr=1-3&keywords=healing+world+trauma
Alers , V. M. (2013). In Therapeutic spiral model perspective from South Africa—The rainbow nation. essay. Retrieved

Hudgins, K.  (2013). The similarities and differences between classical psychodrama and the therapeutic spiral model. In Toscani, F. (Ed.), Healing world trauma with the therapeutic spiral model: Psychodramatic stories from the frontlines (pp. 49–74). essay. http://www. 123library.org/book_details/?id=58841 https://books.google.com.eg/books?id=sjZiLC5kKDkC&pg=PA354&lpg=PA354&dq=Healing+World+Trauma+with+the+Therapeutic+Spiral+Model+online+free&source=bl&ots=40oRfOVvb5&sig=ACfU3U2a4ZpqFJ3JFdyxScQFEgpTHkk9Xg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwijw7WxoLD4AhVEi_0HHSZECGUQ6AF6BAgTEAM#v=onepage&q=Healing%20World%20Trauma%20with%20the%20Therapeutic%20Spiral%20Model%20online%20free&f=false

Hudgins, K. & Toscani, F. (2013). Healing World Trauma with The Therapeutic Spiral Model: Stories From the Frontlines. London:  Jessica Kingsley Publishers. https://www.amazon.com/Healing-World-Trauma-Therapeutic-Spiral/dp/1849059233

Alexander, N. & Ciotola, L. (2014).  Teamwork and trauma recovery.  The Journal of Psychodrama, Sociometry and Group Psychotherapy.  Vol 62 (1), 91-104. http://asgppjournal.org/doi/abs/10.12926/0731-1273-62.1.91?code=asgp-site

Hudgins, K. & Toscani, F. (2014). Containment = Safety with action methods. The Journal of Psychodrama, Sociometry and Group Psychotherapy, 62, (1), 105-110. http://www.asgppjournal.org/doi/abs/10.12926/0731-1273-62.1.105

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Lawrence, C. (2015). The Caring Observer: Creating Self-Compassion Through Psychodrama. The Journal of Psychodrama, Sociometry, and Group Psychotherapy 63(1): 65-72 http://asgppjournal.org/doi/10.12926/0731-1273-63.1.65

Hudgins, K., Brooke, S. L., Myers, C. E.(2015). Spiral healing: A thread of energy and connections across cultures. In Therapists creating a cultural tapestry: Using the creative therapies across cultures. essay, Charles C Thomas, Publisher, Ltd. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/08098131.2016.1250806

Perry, R., Saby, K., Wenos, R., Hudgins, K. and Baller, M. (2016). Psychodrama intervention for  female service members using the therapeutic spiral model. The Journal of Psychodrama, Sociometry, and Group Psychotherapy, 64, 1, 11-23. http://www.asgppjournal.org/doi/abs/10.12926/0731-1273-64.1.11?code=asgp-site 

Israel, S. (2016). The containing double sequence: An expansion of the therapeutic spiral model.  

Hudgins, M.K. (2017) PTSD Unites the World: Prevention, Intervention and Training in The Therapeutic Spiral Model. In C.E. Stout and G. Want (eds).  Why Global Health Matters:  Guidebook for Innovation and Inspiration. Self-Published Online. https://www.whyglobalhealthmatters.org

Porges, S. W. (2017). The pocket guide to the polyvagal theory: The transformative power of feeling safe (Illustrated edition). Retrieved from https://www.amazon.com/Pocket-Guide-Polyvagal-Theory-Transformative/dp/0393707873

Buchanan, D. R., & Swink, D. F. (2017). Golden age of psychodrama at Saint Elizabeths Hospital (1939–2004). The Journal of Psychodrama, Sociometry, and Group Psychotherapy, 65(1), 9–32. https://doi.org/10.12926/0731-1273-65.1.9 

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Cossa, M. (2019). Circle of Values: Action Approaches in Indonesian Education. https://therapeuticspiralmodel.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/TSI-Website-THE_CIRCLE_OF_VALUES.pdf 

Hudgins, M.K.(2019) Psychodrama Revisited: Through the Lens of the Internal Role Map of the Therapeutic Spiral Model to Promote Post-traumatic Growth. Published online https://therapeuticspiralmodel.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/1.-Psychodrama-Revisited_Hudgins-2019.pdf

Israel, S. (2019) Integrated Care for the Traumatized. The Therapeutic Spiral Model: A Psychodramatic  Whole Person Approach for Working with Trauma. Rowan.com

Cossa, M. (2020). Building resilience in youth with Therapeutic Spiral ModelTM (TSM) psychodrama Working with post-high-school youth in Bali, Indonesia  https://therapeuticspiralmodel.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/2.-cossa2020.pdf 

Giacomucci, S., Marquit, J. (2020, April 14). The effectiveness of trauma-focused psychodrama in the treatment of PTSD in inpatient substance abuse treatment. Frontiers. Retrieved from https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00896/full 

Hudgins, K., Durost, S. W., Honig, M. (n.d.). Therapeutic spiral model psychodrama around the world: Cultural connections. In Taboada, C. M. (Ed.), IAGP transcultural book working with cultural diversity. essay.