Karen Drucker Psy.D., TEP

Karen is a Licensed Psychologist in Boulder, Colorado; where she utilizes psychodrama in her private practice and teaches graduate psychology students at Naropa University in the Mindfulness and Transpersonal Graduate Counseling Program.  Karen Drucker, Psy.D, TEP was part of the original Therapeutic Spiral Training Group in the 1990’s. As a Licensed Psychologist and Board-Certified Trainer, Practitioner of Psychodrama, Sociometry and Group Psychotherapy, she runs two monthly psychodrama training groups for therapists drawing on her vast experience with TSM teams both nationally and internationally, including Brisbane, Australia; Istanbul, Turkey; Nottingham and Sheffield, U.K., and Baltimore, MD and Charlottesville, VA. She served as TSM Trainer for teams in Boulder, CO and Ottawa, Canada.

Karen is a warm and engaging teacher and loves designing trainings that are clear, powerful, and integrative for learning and experiencing.  Her doctoral dissertation centered on the Containing Double, a TSM intervention designed to prevent dissociation.

Karen has a deep respect for the healing power of psychodrama and considers it part of her mission and purpose to teach students and therapists about the power and healing of psychodrama.  She is a graduate of the St. Elizabeth’s Psychodrama Training program and American School for Professional Psychology/Virginia.



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