These are all level 1 classes that are open to all students, trainees and anyone interested in TSM.
Level 2 classes (Advanced Clinical Courses) are held only once a year, for more on the certification process click here.
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2022 2nd International Research Congress 6 Safety Structures of TSM acction action action intervention action interventions action methods actions actions methods Actors addiction addictions adolescents Advanced Clinical Training Alan Powell American Society of Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama Andrea C Hummel Andrea Hummel Annual Conference anxiety disorder Archetypal asgpp.org Asia authority roles AUTONOMOUS HEALING CENTER Auxiliary Ego Auxiliary Work with Trauma Befriending your inner adolescence behavior Birthday Blue mountain retreat body body double book study Brain Brain In Action building canada cause celebration CEU's challenges Change children circle Classical Psychodrama Clinical map clinical roles Clinically Modified Psychodrama closed group community Compassion conect conference connect connection Containing Double Containmen Containment Containment Workshop Containment: The key to safety action methods Containment: The Key to Safety with Action Methods coping countertransference Covid-19 Covid19 creativity Croatia Cultural and Historical defenses Cultural Exchange Cultural Identity culture cycle of victim dance danger daydream defenses defenses in actions depression Differences and Similarities Directing by Diagnosis Dr. Kate Dr. Kate Hudgins Dr. Kate Hudings Dr. Onaje Muid Dr. Steven Durost Drago-Drama drama dream dream again dream magic dream nests dreams Eating disorder eating disorders Ego Egypt Embodiment EMBRACING Embracing Projective Identification with Love Emerging Boldly emerging boldy emotions empowerment energy Enlivening Your Autonomouse Healing Center Enliviening Enrolling experiential change experiential methods experiential therapy Experiential Trauma Therapy Fatigue fight flight Free Free event freeze friends Gabriel Thibaut de Maisieres Game Plan for Better Living Games Men Play group Group Psychotherapy groups growth heal Healing Healing trauma heart Hong Kong IAGP In Person Group In-person Event Ina Hogenboom Increasing Attachment Online India Individual Therapy Inspiration internal Internal Role internal role atom international International Association of Group Psychotherapy and Processes international gathering interpersonal Intro to History Introduction Irina Gruia Joshua Lee Joshua S. Lee Karen Drucker Kate Hudgins key key to safety Leadership Group learning level 2 Level-2 courses light Linda Ciotola magical wizardz Making making friends Making Friends with Defenses Making Friends with Defenses in Action Mandala Mario Cossa Mary Kalbah Men's Workshop Men’s Retreat neurobiology Neurobiology of Trauma Neuroscience Online Ways online wizardry online workshop orient pandemic peace Performance perpertrator Personal Growth Personal Growth Workshop personality disorder Philosophy and Methodology of Psychodrama Phoenix Center for Experiential Trauma Therapy Phoenix Trauma Center Playback playback theater Polyvagal Theory Post Traumatic Growth Post-Traumatic practice Prescriptive roles pressure problem-solving Professional Development professionals projective identification Projective Identification in Groups Projective Identifications in Group protection psychoddrama Psychodrama Psychodrama and Classical Psychodrama Psychodrama Revisited PTSD rebels renew research Residential Psychodrama Intensive Resilience Restoration Restorative Justice Retreat Review & Preview TSM theory & practice. role theory roles rols Roni Alperin safe Safe Trauma Work Safety safety action Structures SAfety Structures Scott Giacomucci self compassion self neglect self regulation self-care shame Similarities & Differences Simultaneous Protagonists Six TSM Safety Structures Small Group Sociometry soul soul-soothing SoulDrama Soulgym Spontaneity Spontaneity in the middle of the crisis Stephanie Dines Steven Durost strength Strengths stress summer Supervision supervision group support support system support systems survival Surviving Spirits survivors survivors role Sylvia Israel TAE TAE role Taiwan tam groups teamwork technical auxiliary technical skills techniques teen Temenos Retreat Center tensions The Dance of Transference and Countertransference The Game Plan The TSIRA in Action Theater Therapeutic Spiral Model Therapeutic Spiral Model’s therapist therapy thoughts tools training transference transform transformation Transforming Transforming the Trauma Triangle Transforming The TSM Trauma Triangle transpersonal Trauma Trauma informed trauma responses trauma survivors trauma survivors internal role atom trauma therapy Trauma Triangle triangle triggers TSI TSIRA TSIRA map TSIRA MAPPING TSM TSM Action TSM Action Intervention TSM groups TSM Prescriptive Roles TSM Psychodrama TSM retreat TSM Safety Structures TSM Study Group TSM Team TSM's 3rd International Conference Vicarious vicitim Video Conference violence west chester woman Woman's Salon women women's salon Women's spa day Womens group Working with Defenses in Action workout Workshop workshops world youth Zerka Moreno Zoom
Embracing Your Autonomous Healing Center
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