Chia-Wen Chen, M.S., Licensed Clinical Psychologist, C.P., P.A.T.

My first encounter with TSM was in 2005, when I participated in a TSM workshop led by Dr. Kate Hudgins. I was fascinated by TSM. It has greatly enriched my life. Learning TSM is a wonderful journey. I learn how to be myself, love myself and trust myself. There is no shame, no blame, no critique. I get much healing from TSM, so I apply some concepts and techniques of TSM to my work, such as containing double, body double, and so on. I am a clinical psychologist in Taiwan. I work in the prison. Most of my clients are sexual offenders. They are difficult clients. I try to use action methods to reduce their defenses and help them face themselves. It works. I can touch their hearts, see their true feelings and help them get some healing through action based experiential methods. It’s amazing and so powerful. I am deeply grateful to my primary trainer Dr. Kate Hudgins, who walked with me to such a wonderful journey. She is so warm. She always encourages and supports me. She teaches me how to love and to be loved. Her love nourishes me. She is a good teacher and good friend. I am honored to become a part of TSM community.



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