Make a good end to a year of shock,  tumult and change

By Karen Carnabucci, LCSW, TEP

Here we are, looking at the end of 2017. It has been a tumultuous year for many people — personally, politically and socially. Depending on where we live and who we are, the happenings of 2017 may still be stirring within our minds, bodies, hearts and spirits.

Theory, Research and Practice of TSM

Alers V.M. 2008 “The 20th Vona du Toit Memorial lecture 2007. Proposing the social atom of occupational therapy:Dealing with trauma as part of an integrated inclusive intervention.” South African Journal of Occupational Therapy, 38, 3, (3 – 10).

Alers, V.M. (2013). The therapeutic spiral model perspective from South Africa—The rainbow nation. In K. Hudgins & F. Toscani (Eds.), Healing world trauma with the therapeutic spiral model.[1]  London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

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